Moving country and shifting worlds...

In case anyone didn't know, I recently moved from the UK to Canada. So it's been a stressful but exciting time. Moving country really messes up your schedule. I'm only just starting to get back into all my old habits. I realise just how much time I spend reading RSS feeds and absorbing information from the internet each day! But there are so many exciting (and a lot more very mundane but necessary) things to do at the moment.To help me along the way, I recently purchased an Android-sporting Nexus One. The phone has been really great so far, I'm very pleased with it. Having the ability to read all my RSS feeds and keep up with the latest quant-ph ArXiv posts on my commute into work is just heavenly. I feel so connected. How did I ever live without this technology?? Google Maps with built-in GPS has been amazingly useful too. And I've only downloaded a handful of apps so far. If anyone knows of any good Android apps to a.) help me with Quantum Physics b.) allow me to explore the world of augmented reality, please let me know!I'm looking forward to finding new ways to integrate with technology over the next couple of years. Perhaps some of them I will be able to help to bring to fruition directly. I'm just feeling now that I am getting back up to speed with everything, and I want to push further into the realm of really using technology to augment everything I do.Apparently I'm one cool gadget behind the times.... though I'm certainly thinking about buying an iPad :)


On Learning...


Clash of the superconducting gate-model giants...