Violation of Bell’s inequality in Josephson phase qubits
Very cool...another step towards demonstrating that Josephson phase/flux systems can be treated as macroscopic coherent quantum objects.Violation of Bell’s inequality in Josephson phase qubitsI was wondering if you could demonstrate this the other day!From Science Daily:The measurement of a Bell violation in a superconducting circuit was recently stated to be the next primary challenge for the superconducting qubit community, according to Martinis.Martinis said: "This experiment has met this challenge, achieved by performing a very demanding measurement on a pair of Josephson qubits, a measurement that requires excellent control over qubit state preparation, qubit entanglement, and very high fidelity single-shot state measurements of the entangled qubits. It directly proves that quantum mechanics is the only possible description for the behavior of a macroscopic electrical circuit."